Hi, I am Stu Hughes. I am 24 years old, blind, neurodivergent, and live in the Northeast of England. I used to be known on the internet as SeedyThreeSixty, or Seedy for short, hence why this website's domain name is seedy.cc. My personal brand is Seediffusion, a mix of Seedy and Rediffusion.
Note: Stu is not my given name, it is a name I've chosen for myself as a replacement for my unwanted given name, which I never gave out online.
I love to play video games, especially retro games from the 90s and 2000s; my favourite genre is fighting games, especially Street Fighter II! I basically love anything from the 2000s; it's my favourite decade.
I like many different types of music, including heavy metal, EDM, Hip-hop, eurobeat and house.
I am an all round nerd who loves technology, maths, science, and virtually all other things that geeks and dweebs love.
My signature catch phrase is sweet puberty!
I have always been very much into computers and technology ever since I was a small child. I got my first computer in 2003, at around 3 years old. It was a custom built desktop PC that ran Windows 95 (later upgraded to Windows XP) and had both a CD drive and an unused floppy drive. In 2005, at age 5, I started learning to touch type and use a screen reader. My very first screen reader was JAWS for Windows by Freedom Scientific. These days, I like to code in HTML, Batch (MS-DOS script) and Python. I've also recently been messing around with Linux and MacOS (OS X).
I was born completely blind. I have no sight what-so-ever, not even light perception. Therefore, I see the world through sound, smell and touch. I've always been fascinated by sound, hence why I also love audio editing. I specialise in pitch shifting, speed shifting, looping audio to create a glitch/crash effect, reverb effects and more.
Back in 2018 and 2019, I was known as Fireseed. In 2020, I decided to start changing my name to Seedy as a shortened versioned of Fireseed.
The ThreeSixty part of my handle is a reference to the Xbox 360, as it is my favourite video game console next to the PS2, and it shows my love for the 2000s, as that's the decade I was born and grew up in.